It All Comes Back To You
Recycling Coalition Members

Nominate a Recycling Champion

Know someone who reaches beyond their normal responsibilities to contribute time and service to support the recycling industry in the Mountain State? You know a Recycling Champion. Recycling Champions provide recycling leadership across the state to make a significant contribution to improve the recycling West Virginia. The Recycling Coalition of West Virginia, in collaboration with the West Virginia Solid Waste Management Board and the state’s fifty solid waste authorities honors Recycling Champions.

Pledge To Recycle and Win

​Recyclers come from all walks of life, and put their commitment to West Virginia’s natural beauty and the environment to work for the greater good.

Pledge To Recycle Winners Must Be 18 or over and residents of West Virginia. 2024 Prize and Entry Form

​To sign up for future information from the Recycling Coalition of WV, register your email below:

Recycling Partners

Recycling Coalition of WV

P.O. Box 40113,
Charleston, WV  25364

Phone: (304) 414-1122

At Recycling Coalition of WV, Inc. we are working to create hope and the opportunity for a better world.

But we can only do it with your help. Join with us in our mission and donate now. 

General Information:

Chair: Paul F. Hayes

Vice Chair: Thomas J. Aluise

Treasurer: Lisa Facemyer

Committee Members:
Brittany Cummings |
Annette Hoskins|
Lisa I. Facemyer |

V. Michael Grunau|

Gary Walker |
Niki Davis